Andreas founded his first software company with a classmate in 1994 while still at school. With a software for driving schools and a software for internet forums, at that time still created as a CGI application, they earned their first marks.
Andreas dealt with the Internet, the actual protocols, HTML and CSS at an early stage. In 1996, Andreas created his first HTML website, which was then hosted on the computer cluster at Bielefeld University. Andreas quickly recognized the potential of networking and the possibilities in programming. With the desire to be able to create databases as easily as in Microsoft Access and to make them multi-user capable via a network connection, Andreas created the Internet protocol DTS, which according to IANA communicates by default on ports 2594 via TCP and UDP. For this purpose, the Armarius software was developed, which consists of a database server and client software.
As the first employee programmer, Andreas Röne helped set up the "New Media" department at Werbeagentur Kirchner Kommunikation & Marketing in 2001 and from then on supervised the development of customer websites, product configurators and the in-house content management system "INPUT" as well as the software "INPUT Auction" (a software for reverse auctions).
In 2004, Andreas took over the development of the online shops and logistics of s.mile DIREKT AG. With, together with Jugoslav Jovanovic, he created the market leader for geography articles in Europe. Armarius and the DTS protocol were used when developing the internal ERP solution.
During his time as CTO of s.mile DIREKT AG, Andreas also took over the site management for production, logistics and customer support in Bielefeld, communication in the "Special Customer" area and project orders. In addition, Andreas took over the tasks as CTO of the subsidiaries s.mile DIRECT Inc. in New York and Novakartographia in Belgrade.
As Managing Director of 3B Kommunikation GmbH, Andreas provided online marketing and system administration services for around 6 years before moving to Lucky Bike / Radlbauer as Head of eCommerce & IT in 2016.
After two very successful years in which he got the Lucky Bike / Radlbauer online shop back on track, another change of scenery was needed. Andreas has been a resident of Hamburg since 2018 and has been an SEO consultant at Wingmen Online Marketing since 2021.
SEO has been Andreas' passion since 2004 and has always been a key aspect of his work. In 2018, Andreas was able to fulfill his wish and make SEO his main field of activity.
My articles in the Wingmen SEO newsletter
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- Moin! Ich bin Andreas (Röne)